Andrew Crowell Honored for Exceptional Volunteer Work

Andrew Crowell has a long history of supporting the communities in which he lives and works, which is why he has been named as the firm’s 2023 recipient of the Bragg Lewis Knutson Community Service Award. This award celebrates D.A. Davidson associates’ generosity and compassion as expressed through their service to their communities.

For more than 14 years, Andrew, who works as Vice Chairman, Wealth Management in Los Angeles, has maintained a deep involvement with the YMCA of Metropolitan Los Angeles, an organization spanning 26 locations and a membership community of over 264,000. He has served as a board director and recently as board chair from 2020 to 2023. Through his involvement with the YMCA and D.A. Davidson’s charitable efforts, Andrew developed and introduced the Moneywise Program, a free 5-week financial literacy initiative aimed at empowering teens across a diverse set of backgrounds to invest in their futures through financial know-how. This is a great example of where his passion for his profession and his dedication toward bettering his community come together to create meaningful outcomes for others.

During Andrew’s tenure as board chair, he led the YMCA through the unprecedented challenges of COVID-19. With the Y’s traditional on-site engagement severely hindered, Andrew and the team were resilient and creative, pivoting their efforts to addressing other

emergency needs in the community including feeding, clothing, providing medical services, and even access to the internet and tutoring services to more than 1 million Angelenos throughout 2020. In this period, he oversaw the organization’s largest single donation, given specifically to help the YMCA continue its mission and offset the COVID impact. Andrew also successfully managed the search process for a new YMCA CEO and President in 2022.

Through his leadership of D.A. Davidson’s charitable efforts for the last seven-plus years, Andrew’s reach extends throughout the company. He has worked diligently, in coordination with the internal team, to mature and grow the firm’s charitable efforts dramatically over this period. This includes the firm-wide volunteer initiative, D.A. Davidson Day to support the Strength of Giving, as well as the creation of the regional giving committees across a growing footprint.

We applaud Andrew’s work and his commitment to making the world a better place.