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Spreading the Warmth: Lincoln Gets Personal

Jan 01, 2017 |

When local firefighters asked for volunteers to help hand out coats to students in need as part of Operation Warm, Dana Leetch, Client Associate in Lincoln, Nebraska, raised her hand. She also recruited co-worker Melanie Johnson. Working alongside the local firefighters, Dana and Melanie spent an afternoon handing out coats to some of the 700 students in Lincoln, Nebraska, who benefited. The best part was meeting the kids, they said.

“I loved being able to talk to the kids and learn about their families,” said Melanie, who works as a Senior Registered Associate. 

 It’s not often that you get to interact directly with those you are hoping to impact. 

-Melanie Johnson, Senior Registered Associate

With a corporate match from D.A. Davidson, associates from the Lincoln branch contributed 60 of the winter coats to Operation Warm. Because of the program’s success, the recipients not only received a new coat, but were also able to choose a color and be fitted for the right size. The Lincoln office hopes to increase its contribution in coming years — warming both the students and the hearts of everyone involved.