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Focus on Education Adds Power to Gift

Jan 02, 2017 |

Sometimes the strongest philanthropic efforts are those that are more than one-time events. As a father whose children used to belong to the Cub Scouts organization, Michael Natzic has seen firsthand the ways in which educating youngsters can help them understand the importance of giving back and how it encourages a longtime habit of helping others. So Michael, Senior Vice President, Financial Advisor and Branch Manager in Big Bear Lake, California, knew just what to do when he learned that co-worker’s Cub Scout Pack was working to complete several service projects for the holidays but did not have all the funds to complete one of their ideas. He helped secure funding from D.A. Davidson to get the boys wrap up the project nicely.

  We believe that we can extend our gifts by teaching others along the way. 

-Michael Natzic, SVP, Financial Advisor 

The result? The Scouts provided Thanksgiving dinners – with all of the trimmings – for three families who were victims of domestic violence. They did so by working with DOVES, the Domestic Violence Education & Services organization in Big Bear Lake. The Scouts planned the meal, purchased all of the ingredients and created meal baskets that they delivered to the local DOVES shelter. Michael and his colleagues in Big Bear believe educating the Scouts will bear fruit for years to come.