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It Started as a Kernel of Kindness

Oct 08, 2018 |

Starting with small bags of a salty snack, a group of D.A. Davidson’s Information Technology associates is making a big difference in their community. The I.T. team began selling bags of popcorn in 2015 to earn funds for a charitable cause. The group then turned the one-time fundraiser into a regular event that has earned thousands of dollars and provided food, winter coats, toys, school supplies and other items to less fortunate residents in Great Falls, Montana. Among the beneficiaries: United Way, Meals on Wheels, the Rescue Mission and a veterans’ food pantry.

Additionally, the initiative has strengthened workplace morale and encouraged generosity. “This initiative has truly been an opportunity to give goodwill to each other,” said Anna Decker, Computer Support Manager and a key organizer of the initiative. “Everyone not only helps us through buying popcorn, but they also try to do kind things for each other. It’s so rewarding.”