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Moneywise: Giving Teens Financial Fundamentals

Aug 26, 2019 |

While high schools focus on the basics of English, math and science, a standard education may not always include personal finance topics. Studies show that many Americans graduate with little knowledge about important financial concepts such as how to create a budget, the effects of interest rates and the impact of taxes on their paychecks.

To help strengthen teenagers’ education about financial topics that affect all of us, a group of D.A. Davidson financial advisors is offering financial literacy courses — through a program called Moneywise — in communities across southern California. Launched in 2018 at three YMCAs, the program has met with so much success that it’s been expanded to be offered at nine YMCAs, a Boys & Girls Club and a high school.

The advisors serving as Moneywise instructors say the results are rewarding. “We’re seeing students learn to create detailed budgets for the first time and gain considerable financial knowledge,” said Andrew Crowell, Vice Chairman of Wealth Management and a program instructor. “This course covers subjects that will affect them for the rest of their lives; I cannot think of a better investment of our time.”