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As Alphabet, Apple and Amazon prepare to report earnings in the face of the pandemic, experts are expecting decreases in sales, revenue and other major indicators. Tom Forte, Institutional Analyst for D.A. Davidson, said there is still reason to be hopeful for sales growth in the not-too-distant future, with the timing of stronger improvements to hinge on how well the U.S. can begin reopening its economy. Forte’s comments can be found in “Why Apple’s future earnings look better...
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The United States’ two largest ride-sharing companies, Uber and Lyft, were not profitable even when the country’s economy was thriving. Now, with potential customers staying away amid fears of COVID-19 transmission, both are struggling to find the right footing for long-term survival. Tom White, the D.A. Davidson Research Analyst who covers the ride-sharing sector, said ridership at both companies could be down as much as 80 percent. White’s comments can be found in a New York ...
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When it comes to helping causes they care about, D.A. Davidson associates are not afraid to rise to the occasion. In both Los Angeles and Seattle, a number of employees have climbed over 1,300 steps at a time to raise money for important programs.D.A. Davidson annually sponsors the Stair Climb for Los Angeles and has fielded stair-climbing teams since 2015 to support the Ketchum-Downtown YMCA. Climbers navigate 1,664 steps to race (or walk) up 75 stories of the US Bank Tower, home to the tallest...
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What are the experts saying about your investments as the pandemic continues straining the world economy? James Ragan, Director of Wealth Management Research for D.A. Davidson, is among the investment gurus who offered comments on the topic to U.S. News & World Reports, saying the current environment may represent a time to improve your portfolio. Ragan’s perspective, and those of others, can be found in “What Financial Experts Are Saying About the Health Crisis,” written b...
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EBay has named a new CEO with strong credentials and the potential expertise to help the online marketplace improve its bottom line. With the new CEO Jamie Iannone at the helm, eBay may start on a path toward improved profitability and a better chance to compete with other e-commerce companies, experts say. Tom Forte, the D.A. Davidson Institutional Research Analyst who covers eBay, discussed expectations for Iannone in “EBay’s new CEO could drive growth, spur a turnaround – ex...
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With large-bank earnings coming out, observers will get strong indications of how well, or poorly, the U.S. economy might recover from the financial fallout of the pandemic. David Konrad, Institutional Research Analyst for D.A. Davidson, said that as he looks at various metrics, he expects a protracted recovery with significant damage to show up in the numbers from major banks. Konrad’s comments can be found in “Big U.S. banks give read on credit cycle in Q1 reports: How long, how ba...
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Is it time to create an investment strategy that more accurately reflects your goals and circumstances? Andrew Crowell, Vice Chairman of Wealth Management for D.A. Davidson, said investors might find themselves questioning their current plans for a number of reasons. However, financial planning should be a dynamic, changeable process, he said. Crowell’s perspective is part of “What to Do if You’re Uncomfortable With Your Investing Strategy,” a U.S. News & World Report...
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D.A. Davidson & Co. today announced the opening of a new wealth management office in Minden, Nev., welcoming a three-person team of professionals with extensive financial services experience.
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Could recent employee walkouts at Amazon and Instacart lead to more labor unrest seeking improved working conditions? Some experts believe so. Tom Forte, D.A. Davidson Institutional Research Analyst, said more protests are likely if company leaders fail to listen to their workers’ concerns over safety in their work environments. Forte outlines what may be ahead in “Protests at Amazon, Instacart may lead to more coronavirus-related labor unrest,” an S&P Global article written by Kacie Arcieri....
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Zoom Video Communications continued its recent usage trajectory in March, racking up average user numbers that were well ahead of those of its nearest rival. What’s behind the increase? Rishi Jaluria, the D.A. Davidson Institutional Analyst who covers Zoom, explains the reasons Zoom’s model is outpacing those of other videoconferencing companies. Jaluria’s comments can be found in “Zoom takes lead over Microsoft Teams as coronavirus keeps Americans at home,” a Reute...
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