Deep Domain Expertise Across Four Key Industry Verticals

Our Institutional Research is widely recognized for providing timely investment ideas supported by insightful analysis to institutional clients. While we have traditionally focused on small and mid-cap companies, our recent focus on high quality is also expanding our coverage of large-cap companies. As a result, we can offer insightful stock coverage across the entire market cap spectrum.

In addition to company specific research reports, we also produce a number of industry and technology deep dives, industry specific surveys, and provide access to industry experts through our Davidson Engage (DEN) program.




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Conferences & Events

Our annual conferences bring together investors and corporate management teams from specific industry verticals to discuss sector trends and opportunities in the market.

Research Portal

Our equity research provides in-depth research coverage on ~400 public companies across four key industry verticals: consumer, diversified industrials, financial institutions, and technology.

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