Raising Deposits for Banks Across the U.S.

As a self-clearing firm, D.A. Davidson is responsible for all aspects of the underwriting process. This helps to ensure timely settlement through the Depository Trust Company, wires and high-touch operational support for every deal. Our strong capital position also affords us the ability to underwrite on a firm commitment and best efforts basis, providing you the flexibility that best fits your needs. Our team has over 25 years of experience and will deliver funding options and structures that will optimize your asset-liability management strategy.

  • Flexible Funding Options
  • Strong Distribution Channels
  • Industry Expertise

    Increasing Deposits?

    Brokered CDs are a cost effective source of funding that carry no collateral requirements. Our group focuses on the needs of banks both large and small with deal sizes ranging from $1mm to $250mm per maturity. Flexible options that include Fixed Non-Callable, Fixed Callable and Step-Up Callable structures can be catered to fit your funding needs.

    Contact us.

    To learn more about Brokered CD Underwriting, or to receive our rate indications, please contact our group.