Optimizing Fixed Income Portfolios with Cutting-Edge Analytics

Get expert recommendations to manage interest rate risk, prudent sector allocation and relative value across all sectors of the fixed income market. We use state-of-the-art fixed income analytics and industry-leading portfolio management technology to help you maximize shareholder returns while minimizing credit, interest rate, and liquidity risks.

How We Manage the Strategy

At D.A. Davidson, we understand that each financial institution and their balance sheets are unique. The specific investment strategy that makes sense for you should reflect your institution’s unique characteristics.

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  • Strategic recommendations based on your unique risks and circumstances


  • Comprehensive Balance Sheet Review
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  • Fixed Income Market Strategy & Regulatory Updates

Strategy Development

We employ a top-down view of your institution during our strategy development that starts with the balance sheet, and then the portfolio itself. Cash flow needs, tax position, asset/liability posture, and regulatory considerations are all analyzed and assessed, along with liquidity risk, capital position, credit analysis, and funding issues. All must be coordinated within a framework of total resource integration that works to optimize performance and minimize risk. Once the optimal investment strategy for your institution is developed, our fixed income team works with you to execute appropriately and monitor progress on an ongoing basis.

three people in a meeting

Contact us.

To learn more about Depository Strategy, please contact our Depository Strategy group.