Working with Institutional Clients

Our team works with a variety of institutional investors to consult, manage, and serve as a fiduciary for their investment portfolios. Since our founding, we have worked with nonprofits, foundations, endowments, corporations, consultants, corporate retirement plans, and trusts to structure, build, and manage investment portfolios that help them better serve their missions and meet their goals.

Recognizing that each institution maintains a unique vision and mission, we work closely with our clients to customize management of their investments in a way that allows them to focus on what matters most.

Specialty Services for our Institutional Relationships

  • Investment Policy Statement development, updating, and compliance
  • Comprehensive financial analysis
  • Developing and managing to client-specific asset allocations and investment strategies
  • Managing investments to short and long-term cash flow and spending objectives
  • Board of Directors/Trustee education regarding fiduciary issues and investments
  • Reviewing and providing recommendations for existing investment portfolios
  • Fee and investment cost analysis
  • Networking and connecting clients with resources to support their operations and mission
  • Developing and refining spending policies and strategies
  • Request for Proposal (RFP) development, consultation, and completion