Working with Individual Investors

Davidson Investment Advisors specializes in building custom solutions for clients seeking to align their personal finances with the lives they seek to live. Since 1975, our team has worked with individual clients to assess, build, and manage investment portfolios reflective of their financial, family, and philanthropic goals.

We recognize that no two clients are the same, and we have structured our team and offerings to tailor each client’s experience so that you can focus on what matters most.

How We Manage the Strategy

Low Duration and Investment Grade

  • Emphasis on the short portion of the yield curve
  • Maturities generally range from
    1-4 years
  • Issues rated from AAA to BBB- by major ratings agencies

Actively Manage Term Structure and Credit Allocation

  • Protect principal value, pursue incremental return
  • Monitor, anticipate, and respond to macroeconomic changes
  • Seek opportunities at sector/security levels

Knowledge and Discipline Preserves Wealth

  • Bottom-up, fundamental
    credit analysis
  • "Multi-asset perspective" benefits
  • Scenario analysis informs
    strategy action


Trends 2024

Davidson Investment Advisors provides insight into exciting, disruptive or otherwise new development...

Perspective & Commentary