Tailored Management

Our team’s approach and implementation provide the ability to tailor portfolios to certain capital gain and tax-related objectives. Unlike mutual funds or other commingled security approaches, a key benefit of our separate account management is that each client holds their own securities and may direct certain trading activity to align the management of the account to their specific circumstance. Please note that each service described here is included in our management services, with no additional charge for use.

In consultation with our clients and their tax professionals, Davidson Investment Advisors can selectively sell positions to realize gains or losses. Generally, this service is used by clients and advisors looking to generate losses in a portfolio to offset capital gains realized through the course of a tax year or to carry forward into future tax years. However, in years where the market is down or where clients may have other losses available to offset embedded gains in their portfolios, our team can also realize gains in client accounts.

Harvesting may be done with a goal of maximizing realized gains/losses, or with a loss or gain target amount. Proceeds from positions sold to harvest gains or losses will be held in cash until wash sale windows expire unless otherwise directed.

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