Preserving Prosperity for Life & Legacy

The professionals in our wealth and estate planning departments will work alongside your D.A. Davidson financial professional, as well as your tax and legal advisors, to help you develop a deep understanding of your entire financial picture: where you are, where you’re going and planning for where you want to be.

Important Things to Consider

Life changes quickly and we are often faced with important decisions that can have lasting consequences. Our holistic approach to planning will not only help you to build your wealth but ensure that your legacy is passed to your heirs and give you the peace of mind that your wishes were followed.

Charitable Giving

How should I include charitable giving in my financial plan?

A pen resting on a legal document

Transfer of Business

How can I transfer my business to one of my children and be fair to the others?

Estate Planning

Who should I name as my executor or trustee?

An advisor helping an elderly client with a document

Making Decisions on Your Behalf

Do I need a power of attorney?

You have questions.

Let us help you find solutions.

Put Your Trust In Us

At D.A. Davidson Trust Company, we help you work towards the achievement of lifelong goals today and shaping your legacy for the future.

Trust Services
What is a Misconception About Wealth Planning?
What is the First Step to Take to Start a Comprehensive Wealth Plan?

Perspectives on Wealth & Estate Planning

Why You Should Regularly Review Your Financial and Estate Documents

As life changes, so do federal and state estate tax laws, and your financial situation. Here are fou...

The Financial Planning Process: A Journey as Important as the Destination

When you begin considering a vacation, you might open a mapping app and start calculating the best r...