Solid-State Batteries
While the concept for solid-state batteries has been known for decades, advances in 2020 have addressed challenges of short lifetimes and slow charging rates. This could be a game changer for electric vehicles.

The shape and structure of proteins have long been a mystery to biologists. A recent breakthrough now enables them to predict the final structure of protein sequences, with the potential to advance our understanding of diseases and how to treat them.

Developments in technology around communications and gaming are resulting in the creation of all-virtual, avatar-based communities, the likes of which resemble the science fiction of old.

Zombie Companies
Unprecedented action by the Federal Reserve provided trillions of dollars in support to ensure a public health crisis did not turn into a financial one. It also resulted in near-dead companies that would have gone out of business, but for government intervention.

Corporate Woke
Companies are feeling a new pressure to adopt values and positions that extend beyond their core operations, often touching on sensitive social and political issues. As definitions of corporate stakeholders evolve, what must companies do to best serve them?

The COVID-19 pandemic exposed an overreliance on China in global supply chains. Now, many companies embrace the need for a diversified approach to supply chain management, shifting the focus to other Asian nations.

New School
An increasingly hybrid approach between traditional classroom settings and online learning has resulted in a boon of innovative, technology-enabled approaches to teaching and learning.

Are pajamas now acceptable workplace attire? A new understanding that employees can be productive working remotely has resulted in questioning the value and role of the traditional office, and all that comes with it.

While the concept has been around for a long time, COVID-19 has pushed remote delivery of healthcare services to the forefront of patient care.

As it becomes more expensive and technically difficult to double the number of transistors driving processing power, Moore’s Law may no longer apply and computer architects are looking for other ways to improve performance.

With an API-first ecosystem, companies can increasingly build nearly everything non-core to their business by writing a few lines of code and accessing third-party application programming interfaces (APIs).

Hydrogen Fuel
As emphasis is placed on decreasing greenhouse gas emissions, more attention is paid to alternative sources of energy. Hydrogen presents many benefits for producers and consumers looking to go green.
Davidson Investment Advisors is a SEC registered investment advisor. The opinions expressed herein are those of Davidson Investment Advisors and are subject to change. The information contained in this presentation has been taken from trade and statistical services and other sources, which we believe to be reliable. We do not guarantee that this information is accurate or complete and it should not be relied upon as such.
This presentation is for informational and illustrative purposes only, and is not intended to meet the objectives or requirements of any specific individual or account. Past performance is not an indicator of future results. Indices provide a general source of information on how various market segments and types of investments have performed in the past. An investor should assess his/her own investment needs based on his/her own financial circumstances and investment objectives.
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