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Archive by category: ResearchReturn
Election 2024: A Two-Month Sprint to the Finish

Election 2024: A Two-Month Sprint to the Finish

Election coverage could increase financial market volatility as investors assess highly uncertain outcomes.
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Lower Interest Rates Help on the Margin

Lower Interest Rates Help on the Margin

Are lower interest rates a good thing? Although most people are likely to quickly respond, “yes,” the actual answer is more nuanced and depends on who you’re asking.
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Demystifying Crypto: A Beginner’s Guide

Demystifying Crypto: A Beginner’s Guide

What is crypto, really, and how does it work? We sat down with Technology Strategist Gil Luria to break it down into easily digestible tidbits.
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Artificial Intelligence (AI) Creates Wave of Opportunity

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Creates Wave of Opportunity

Is 2023 the year of artificial intelligence (AI) and generative AI? Here’s what to know about how this evolving landscape may impact investors and life as we know it.
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Dividend Strategies

Dividend Strategies

How much do you know about dividends? Our Wealth Management Research team breaks down how to use dividends to upgrade quality and augment long-term returns.
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Diversity in Company Leadership: More Work to Be Done

Diversity in Company Leadership: More Work to Be Done

The rapid growth of environmental, social and governance (ESG) investing over the past decade has been a galvanizing force in making companies consider the interests of all “stakeholders” in their business decisions, rather than only shareholder interests.
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The ABCs of ESG: Evaluating the Environmental Practices of a Company

The ABCs of ESG: Evaluating the Environmental Practices of a Company

The carbon footprint of a company factors heavily into its Environmental rating — both the amount of carbon generated as a result of a company’s operations, as well as the carbon impact of the company’s finished goods or services...
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The ABCs of ESG: Evaluating the Governance Practices of a Company

The ABCs of ESG: Evaluating the Governance Practices of a Company

As defined by Sustainalytics, a firm focused solely on providing ESG research on publicly-traded companies, Governance analysis is an evaluation of how well a company is structured and managed in order to “build sustainable, long-term value that can be delivered to shareholders and other stakeholders in a fair and transparent manner”...
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The ABCs of ESG: Evaluating the Social Practices of a Company

The ABCs of ESG: Evaluating the Social Practices of a Company

Social factors encompass a wide range of topics related to how a company impacts all of its “stakeholders,” including employees, customers, and the communities in which it operates...
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ESG Investing: Balancing a Need for Return with a Desire for Sustainability

ESG Investing: Balancing a Need for Return with a Desire for Sustainability

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) investing has gained popularity in recent years as both individual and institutional investors are embracing sustainable investing and integrating ESG analysis into the investment decision-making process. There is also evidence that aligning investors’ desire for return with the needs of other stakeholders, including customers, employees, and local communities, can be a winning combination...
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