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Archive by category: ResearchReturn
Embracing Volatility

Embracing Volatility

For investors with long time horizons, volatility should be synonymous with risk—despite recent market falls.
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Tap and Go: Life in a Cashless Society

Tap and Go: Life in a Cashless Society

Have you ever envisioned a future where your wallet or purse has become substantially lighter due to lack of monetary contents or perhaps a future where you don’t even need to carry a wallet at all? That future may be closer than you think.
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Socially Responsible Investing Begins in the Boardroom

Socially Responsible Investing Begins in the Boardroom

Socially responsible investing (SRI) is becoming an increasingly important topic as investors evolve their thoughts on which corporate attributes will deliver above-average returns for shareholders. In fact, Pension and Investments recently reported that market share for SRI funds in Europe accounts for over 50 percent of assets under management, indicating an increasing willingness for investors to make SRI allocations within their portfolios.
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Passive vs. Active Investing: Which Team Are You On?

Passive vs. Active Investing: Which Team Are You On?

The popularity of low-cost passive investment strategies has garnered significant press recently, leading many to question if active management is dead or simply doesn’t work. Underperformance of the average active investment manager has certainly added fuel to the fire, as investors search for cheaper index alternatives.
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Grande Lattes or Stocks: Why Millennials Are Hesitant to Invest

Grande Lattes or Stocks: Why Millennials Are Hesitant to Invest

Millennials are described as potentially the next “Great Generation” by William Strauss and Neil Howe, the authors who originally coined the term. But up to this point, all the millennial tweeting, snapping, posting, swiping, and selfie taking hasn’t been accompanied by much in the way of investing.
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