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Looking to the Future: Do You Have a Plan for Long-Term Care?

Looking to the Future: Do You Have a Plan for Long-Term Care?

While we don’t know what the future may bring, we can plan for the possibilities. For many of us, this includes acknowledging that we may need extra assistance down the line, in the form of long-term care.
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Tips for Decluttering: The Life-Changing Magic of Cleaning Up Your Financial Documents

Tips for Decluttering: The Life-Changing Magic of Cleaning Up Your Financial Documents

Do you know where all of your financial documents are? If you are like many of us, you are engulfed in a flood of bills, tax forms, account statements and other financial documents, and may not know where everything is. That means it’s time to sort, simplify and organize, especially if you are just around the corner from retirement.
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Of the Many Paths to Retirement, Affluent Americans Continue to Trust the Human Touch

Of the Many Paths to Retirement, Affluent Americans Continue to Trust the Human Touch

When it comes to good financial habits, such as saving early and creating a solid financial plan, who’s leading the pack? The answer might surprise you. A new D.A. Davidson survey of over 1,000 affluent Americans reveals significant insights.
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Strengthening Your Financial Health Through an HSA

Strengthening Your Financial Health Through an HSA

Is it possible to save for both medical bills and retirement? According to a 2018 Employee Benefit Research Institute report, a 65-year-old couple, both with median prescription drug expenses, may need an estimated $296,000 in savings to have a 90% chance of having sufficient funds for healthcare expenses in retirement. Since healthcare expenses have historically risen faster than the cost of living, having a plan to cover these future expenses is critical.
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If You Can’t Decide, Who Will? Plan Ahead to Protect Your Finances

If You Can’t Decide, Who Will? Plan Ahead to Protect Your Finances

Did you know that you can take several steps to help yourself steer clear of being a potential victim of financial fraud? By adding a “trusted contact” to your investment accounts, you can help ensure that your financial advisor has the tools to help you if it becomes necessary.
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The Gift of Money: A Present that Fits Everyone

The Gift of Money: A Present that Fits Everyone

Planning to give a monetary gift? Money can be an easier option than trying to find the right present for that hard-to-buy-for person.
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The Financial Planning Process: A Journey as Important as the Destination

The Financial Planning Process: A Journey as Important as the Destination

When you begin considering a vacation, you might open a mapping app and start calculating the best route to your destination. The planning instills a sense of excitement. In the same way, the act of developing a personal financial plan can provide as much value as the plan itself.
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6 Questions to Ask Yourself When Building a Budget

6 Questions to Ask Yourself When Building a Budget

Have you taken the time to create a personal budget? If not, you are not alone: only one in three Americans prepares a detailed household budget. But as you begin to travel the road toward financial success, you will find that goals are easier to reach when you start with a map.
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Flying Solo: What It Means Financially

Flying Solo: What It Means Financially

Living life as a single adult can be empowering for some, stressful for others, and a nonissue for everyone else. Single people possess freedoms, but with those freedoms can come restrictions in the form of financial vulnerabilities that married or partnered people may not have.
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Lessons Learned from Top Women Advisors

Lessons Learned from Top Women Advisors

In an industry of approximately 300,000 financial advisors nationwide, women financial advisors are still few and far between. In 2016 only 16% of advisors were women, according to research firm Cerulli Associates, although the number could be increasing. Why such underrepresentation when women are expected to control two-thirds of the nation’s wealth by 2030, and are already the primary breadwinners in almost half of American households?
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