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Next Step Toward Adulting: Life Insurance

Next Step Toward Adulting: Life Insurance

The steps are predictable: Graduate from college, start your first job and then, with a few paychecks in the bank, start saving for retirement and make sure you have the necessary insurance to cover your other stages of life. But for millennials, the current generation of young adults and the largest generation in the U.S., the process doesn’t necessarily include life insurance coverage. A Gallup poll indicates that millennials are the least likely to be engaged with their primary insurer and a...
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Hoarder vs. Collector: Prudent Record Retention

Hoarder vs. Collector: Prudent Record Retention

To keep or not to keep, that is the question. Good record keeping is essential to making your financial life easier and can save you money and time in the long run. But in regards to record retention, how long is too long? Some original documents should be kept permanently (think birth certificate and social security card), whereas others can be shredded after seven years (bank statements and canceled checks), and still others have much more unique retention lengths.
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