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Getting Retirement Ready? These 5 Current Day Issues Can Play into Your Decisions

Getting Retirement Ready? These 5 Current Day Issues Can Play into Your Decisions

Retirement planning can be stressful even in the best of times. With so many factors and moving parts to consider, how do you determine what’s right for you? Read on for five current day issues that can play into your retirement decisions.
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Facing Employment Changes? You Have Options for Retirement Savings

Facing Employment Changes? You Have Options for Retirement Savings

If you are changing employers or find yourself unexpectedly unemployed, your financial plan can change dramatically, and you need to consider what to do with the assets in your 401(k) or other employer-sponsored retirement savings plan. Decisions made now can greatly impact your financial condition upon retirement, so it is important to research your options and understand the merits of each choice.
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Are You Retirement Ready?

Are You Retirement Ready?

Leaving the workforce and retiring is both an exciting time and one of stress — creating a number of questions and concerns. As with any major life change, planning ahead can enhance the outcome of your long-awaited move to retirement.
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Looking to the Future: Do You Have a Plan for Long-Term Care?

Looking to the Future: Do You Have a Plan for Long-Term Care?

While we don’t know what the future may bring, we can plan for the possibilities. For many of us, this includes acknowledging that we may need extra assistance down the line, in the form of long-term care.
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Keep Your Brain from Retiring When You Do

Keep Your Brain from Retiring When You Do

When you think of your retirement, what do you picture? Relaxing in a warm location, traveling the world, or spending time with loved ones? While those are all valuable, a retirement activity you may not have considered is staying mentally active.
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7 Social Security Strategies and Lesser Known Facts

7 Social Security Strategies and Lesser Known Facts

Many of us feel we know the basics of Social Security, but did you know there are hundreds of different ways to claim you benefits? While we can’t cover all of them, we can offer strategies to help keep your retirement goals on track as you progress into this new life stage.
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Leaving Your Job? Should Your Retirement Plan Follow?

Leaving Your Job? Should Your Retirement Plan Follow?

Life is filled with stress, and both financial and emotional change in the workplace and at home ― expected or not ― can certainly increase your anxiety level. According to the American Psychological Association’s annual Stress in America™ survey, money and work remain the two most commonly reported sources of stress, and losing or changing a job can be found at the top of any “life’s biggest stressors” list.
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