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Unplugged: Should We Log Off to Tune In?

Unplugged: Should We Log Off to Tune In?

How much screen time have you had today? American adults now spend over 11 hours per day watching, reading, listening and/or interacting with media. Some people are seeking ways to cut the amount of time they spend using electronics.
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Passenger Economy

Passenger Economy

As autonomous driving and electric vehicles gain relevance, the business model for the auto industry is transforming, and technology companies are taking a fresh approach with the idea of shared mobility.
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Me, Myself and I: Investing in the New Age of Me

Me, Myself and I: Investing in the New Age of Me

As technologies offer new and faster ways for people to “connect” and communicate, the world is experiencing a growing trend toward self-selected isolation, automation and even an outright preference to avoid human interaction. As a result, service and convenience are increasingly viewed as “better” when the person requiring service does not have to actually deal with another human being. In fact, many of the companies with the highest-rated customer service are now technology companies that...
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