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The New Commute: From Kitchen to Your Living Room

The New Commute: From Kitchen to Your Living Room

As COVID-related office closures extend beyond their initial expected lives, both employers and employees have learned to embrace the concept of Work from Anywhere: a new reality where as long as an employee has internet and cell service, work can be done.
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Sharing the Love: Ways You Can Give Back, During the Pandemic and After

Sharing the Love: Ways You Can Give Back, During the Pandemic and After

Times of uncertainty are also times to consider how we might support and help others. In the face of the global pandemic, you may be wondering how you can help family members, your community or others.
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Cybersecurity Awareness: What You and We Can Do

Cybersecurity Awareness: What You and We Can Do

As the threat of cybercrime grows, your digital safety has never been more critical than during these volatile times. Our work at D.A. Davidson is centered on protecting your financial assets, securing all personal information and ensuring your privacy is maintained. Here we share information about our work to protect you as well as tips for safeguarding your information at home.
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Let Positivity Prevail: Tips for Keeping Negative Thoughts at Bay

Let Positivity Prevail: Tips for Keeping Negative Thoughts at Bay

Are you struggling with negative thoughts or anxiety? With our collective worlds shaken by current events, many of us are struggling to keep from ruminating on negative thoughts. The good news: Research shows several practices can provide powerful stress and anxiety relief.
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New Retail? Consumers Enjoying Surge in Private Label Brands

New Retail? Consumers Enjoying Surge in Private Label Brands

As you scroll through goods on Amazon or stroll through another favorite store, you may notice an increase in the number of products with short names, plain packaging and little embellishment...Enter private label brands.
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Tips for Decluttering: The Life-Changing Magic of Cleaning Up Your Financial Documents

Tips for Decluttering: The Life-Changing Magic of Cleaning Up Your Financial Documents

Do you know where all of your financial documents are? If you are like many of us, you are engulfed in a flood of bills, tax forms, account statements and other financial documents, and may not know where everything is. That means it’s time to sort, simplify and organize, especially if you are just around the corner from retirement.
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Volunteering: As Good for You as for Your Community

Volunteering: As Good for You as for Your Community

Having trouble fitting volunteer work into your busy life? It may help to know that while spending your time in community service is viewed predominantly as a selfless activity, volunteering may be just as good for you as it is for your community and the cause you are helping.
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12 Tips for Planning Your Dream Trip

12 Tips for Planning Your Dream Trip

You want to plan for the international trip of a lifetime, the one that has lingered on your bucket list. Now that it’s time to turn your dream into a reality, how do you get started? Especially if you haven’t traveled extensively, your to-do list may feel overwhelming. Although each person’s list will be as unique as their destination, our checklist can serve as a guide.
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Keep Your Brain from Retiring When You Do

Keep Your Brain from Retiring When You Do

When you think of your retirement, what do you picture? Relaxing in a warm location, traveling the world, or spending time with loved ones? While those are all valuable, a retirement activity you may not have considered is staying mentally active.
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Leaders’ Career Advice? Focus on Soft Skills

Leaders’ Career Advice? Focus on Soft Skills

One of the hardest aspects of building a successful career is determining what skills may be important to employers in the future. The skills that companies say they are seeking the most in 2019? Soft skills.
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