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Unplugged: Should We Log Off to Tune In?

Unplugged: Should We Log Off to Tune In?

How much screen time have you had today? American adults now spend over 11 hours per day watching, reading, listening and/or interacting with media. Some people are seeking ways to cut the amount of time they spend using electronics.
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The Gift of Money: A Present that Fits Everyone

The Gift of Money: A Present that Fits Everyone

Planning to give a monetary gift? Money can be an easier option than trying to find the right present for that hard-to-buy-for person.
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Flying Solo: What It Means Financially

Flying Solo: What It Means Financially

Living life as a single adult can be empowering for some, stressful for others, and a nonissue for everyone else. Single people possess freedoms, but with those freedoms can come restrictions in the form of financial vulnerabilities that married or partnered people may not have.
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New Year, New You: Improving Your Cyber Health

New Year, New You: Improving Your Cyber Health

As we consider important New Year’s resolutions for 2018, one idea rises to the top among personal priorities: resolving to better protect ourselves against cybercrime.
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Busyness a Sign of Success?

Busyness a Sign of Success?

We’ve all heard the lament and most likely have verbalized it ourselves. When you ask about a colleague’s well-being, you often hear how busy he or she is. And not just busy, but really busy. Our busyness has become a point of pride, perhaps as a subtle way of demonstrating our value. In many ways, busy has become synonymous with success.
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