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If You Can’t Decide, Who Will? Plan Ahead to Protect Your Finances

If You Can’t Decide, Who Will? Plan Ahead to Protect Your Finances

Did you know that you can take several steps to help yourself steer clear of being a potential victim of financial fraud? By adding a “trusted contact” to your investment accounts, you can help ensure that your financial advisor has the tools to help you if it becomes necessary.
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Keep Your Brain from Retiring When You Do

Keep Your Brain from Retiring When You Do

When you think of your retirement, what do you picture? Relaxing in a warm location, traveling the world, or spending time with loved ones? While those are all valuable, a retirement activity you may not have considered is staying mentally active.
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The ABCs of ESG: Evaluating the Governance Practices of a Company

The ABCs of ESG: Evaluating the Governance Practices of a Company

As defined by Sustainalytics, a firm focused solely on providing ESG research on publicly-traded companies, Governance analysis is an evaluation of how well a company is structured and managed in order to “build sustainable, long-term value that can be delivered to shareholders and other stakeholders in a fair and transparent manner”...
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Leaders’ Career Advice? Focus on Soft Skills

Leaders’ Career Advice? Focus on Soft Skills

One of the hardest aspects of building a successful career is determining what skills may be important to employers in the future. The skills that companies say they are seeking the most in 2019? Soft skills.
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Unplugged: Should We Log Off to Tune In?

Unplugged: Should We Log Off to Tune In?

How much screen time have you had today? American adults now spend over 11 hours per day watching, reading, listening and/or interacting with media. Some people are seeking ways to cut the amount of time they spend using electronics.
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The Gift of Money: A Present that Fits Everyone

The Gift of Money: A Present that Fits Everyone

Planning to give a monetary gift? Money can be an easier option than trying to find the right present for that hard-to-buy-for person.
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The ABCs of ESG: Evaluating the Social Practices of a Company

The ABCs of ESG: Evaluating the Social Practices of a Company

Social factors encompass a wide range of topics related to how a company impacts all of its “stakeholders,” including employees, customers, and the communities in which it operates...
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The Financial Planning Process: A Journey as Important as the Destination

The Financial Planning Process: A Journey as Important as the Destination

When you begin considering a vacation, you might open a mapping app and start calculating the best route to your destination. The planning instills a sense of excitement. In the same way, the act of developing a personal financial plan can provide as much value as the plan itself.
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ESG Investing: Balancing a Need for Return with a Desire for Sustainability

ESG Investing: Balancing a Need for Return with a Desire for Sustainability

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) investing has gained popularity in recent years as both individual and institutional investors are embracing sustainable investing and integrating ESG analysis into the investment decision-making process. There is also evidence that aligning investors’ desire for return with the needs of other stakeholders, including customers, employees, and local communities, can be a winning combination...
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6 Questions to Ask Yourself When Building a Budget

6 Questions to Ask Yourself When Building a Budget

Have you taken the time to create a personal budget? If not, you are not alone: only one in three Americans prepares a detailed household budget. But as you begin to travel the road toward financial success, you will find that goals are easier to reach when you start with a map.
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