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Lean into Your Storm: The Power of D.A. Davidson’s Bison

Lean into Your Storm: The Power of D.A. Davidson’s Bison

Elizabeth Coll, Social Media & Marketing Associate

In 2021, 4.8 million people visited Yellowstone National Park. Established in 1872 and stretching predominately over Wyoming and sections of Montana and Idaho, Yellowstone is our nation’s oldest national park. During the summer of 2017, I was one of the millions of visitors who experienced the sheer beauty and mass of this place. I saw the abundance of protected land and creatures, the rainbow colored hot springs, and Old Faithful. As I reflect back on this particular trip years later, I can’t help but notice how the lessons I learned from the bison have impacted my current career and life experiences since joining D.A. Davidson. Chance? I think not.

Not only is the bison our country’s official mammal, but it is also D.A. Davidson’s logo, mascot, talisman. The bison is the largest mammal in North America and has been integral to tribal culture of indigenous people. The bison symbolizes culture, tradition, resourcefulness and resilience. One characteristic that many may not know is that the bison will head into a snowstorm rather than drifting with the wind. Why? These creatures instinctively know that walking into the storm will get them out of the commotion sooner. Let that sink in for a moment. Bison do not run. They face the storm head on.

A fundamental aspect of the human experience is to encounter difficulties throughout one’s life. During life’s highs and lows, our true character is revealed in times of adversity. It is our natural instinct to fight, flee, or freeze in moments of uncertainty. Often enough instead of facing problems head on, we procrastinate, panic or run. In times like this, it is important to remember the lessons from the bison. Rather than running away from the problem, the bison charges into the storm, encountering the challenge directly—with full force, without doubt. Like the bison, our firm navigates financial storms with resilience and unfailing instinct. We admire the qualities of the bison and even incorporate them to our everyday lives and the work we do here at D.A. Davidson, especially in times of uncertainty.

It may be just a logo to outsiders when thinking of D.A. Davidson. However, I can confirm from the inside, the symbolism and story of the bison itself resonates with many here. Now when I think about my trip to Yellowstone, I like to think of the experience as kismet, a foretelling of the experiences I’d have along the way once I learned to lean into the storm. Even if you’ve never been to Yellowstone or in the presence of such a powerful mammal, the next time you find yourself faced with a dilemma, whether it is at work or at home, with a friend, colleague or family member, emulate the bison. Embrace obstacles. Stand your ground. Be confident. Be resilient.

Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian
Embrace Your Inner Bison and Run Toward the Storm
National Bison Association

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